Initially i was wondering why Lego produces Maersk ships & trains. Now i know why, a history of Maersk as described from Lego online store.
More than 550 Maersk Sealand Cargo liners sail the seas, carrying valuable goods to ports in 130 countries around the world. Established in 1904, this company is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark and is the leading container shipping company in the world. Spend some time researching on lego maersk ships and found some pictures which i like to share.
This is what we have this year, currently avaliable on Lego Online Store. 10155 Maersk Container Ship, USD 119.90, 990 pieces.
The new version has two more pieces and the sticker/decal says “Maersk Line” instead of “Maersk Sealand,” but the set appears to be otherwise identical. 10155 Maersk Container Ship
costs $120 (compare to the original at $75 seven years ago) and is available from the LEGO Shop online now.
first reported on 3 Jan on brothers brick.
Maersk Container Ship MOC by Thomas N. This is really nice
This is the first Maersk Line Container Ship 1650 from the year 1974.
Classic container ship
Lego 10152 Maersk Sealand from 2005 Edition, saw this ship for sale at Toy Station last year. Compared with 10155, a price difference and an additional 2 pieces. (Check the back of the box)
Following the ship, will you be getting this Maersk train this year?
10219 Maersk Train. Weighing in at 1,234 pieces, it’ll cost you US $119.99/CA $159.99/DE 119.99 €/UK 91.99 £ when it hits LEGO Shop@Home’s website and retails stores beginning April 1, 2011.
Guess staff from Maersk would like to collect all the Maersk ships & trains, in support of their company.
How well do you know about Singapore shipping lines? We know Singapore has been the number 1 port in the world in terms of container handling, do you know any Singapore cargo ships as famous as Maersk?
Port of Singapore from Wiki
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