May 2011 Update: Lego Minifigures Series 5 Pictures
Series 5 Minifigures
New Updated Pictures on 26 Mar 2011
Series 5 Minifigures
Straight after collecting my minifigures series 3 last week, the lego minifigures series 5 pictures was leaked one day ago. Having viewed the pictures, i have decided not to post them or provide any links, so as not to receive another warning from Lego. The pictures are confidential.
There are a total of 9 figures in Series 5, lego seems to reduce them. The cavewoman had a bone on her hair (finally a partner for Series 1 caveman!), the boxer was in red, clown was having short legs, Gladiator new helmet is very nice, Irish Royal guard reminds me of the London guards (another army building), clepatra has a new hair mould. The man in dinosaur suit is fun (face shown this time, in GODZILLA suit), like another man in gorilla suit, you need this 2 figures.
* Adventurer (more like shelock holmes)
* Boxer
* Cavewoman
* Cleopatra
* Clown with Pie
* Dinosaur Suit Guy (GODZILLA)
* Dwarf
* Gladiator
* Irish Royal Guard (London Royal Guards)
rumour Series 5 coming out in Aug 2011, in purple bags.
- Ancient Egyptian Woman
- Boxer
- Cavewoman
- Fitness Dancer
- Detective
- Dinosaur Suit Man
- Dwarf
- Eskimo
- Gangster
- Grenadier Guard
- Lumberjack
- Male Snowboarder
- Murmillo
- Small Clown
- University Graduate
- Zookeeper
Series 4 Minifigures here:
Series 4 Minifigures
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