From the Lego classic pirates in the early 90s to this year Pirates of Caribbean, how the pirates evolved. This year Queen's Anne Revenge.

Found out from the fbtb folks today. MTV Music had posted the latest Pirates of Caribbean pictures on their site. High resolution, I'm not sure if Lego issue a statement to them to remove it (probably not). Having viewed the product pictures about a month ago, we get clearer pictures now.
fbtb site
The new Pirates of Caribbean sets planned to be release in Singapore this May (information from Singapore Lego, mentioned in earlier post), the marketing plan should started rolling, why keep delaying the pictures? It is no longer confidential, the pictures are not watermark CONFIDENTIAL.
Click Next to view all the products on MTV News Exclusive:
PoC Product Pictures
Check out the mermaid minifigures! What I will add to my pirates collection : Captain's cabin, London Escape, Queen's Ann ship and White cap bay, maybe cannibal escape too. Have a feeling that Queen's Ann ship is going to be more than SGD 300 (if that is the case, i have to think about it).
This is the earlier link (which i already knew) and is not shared after receiving warning (found that the pictures had been removed):
Leaked Lego
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